Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
performance pre-commissioNing solutions
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning

Kraken's engineering team has designed and built Little FRANK to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of flooding subsea systems while ensuring our client's peace of mind.
Little FRANK uses the subsea hydrostatic head to flood and chemically treat the subsea system without the need for a connection to a topsides vessel or installation.
With a maximum throughput of 4,400 litres per minute, Little FRANK has got you covered for most pipeline systems.
In addition to the above, Little FRANK is also designed to be lighter and more compact than its competition, reducing deck space and lifting requirements associated with a conventional free-flooding operation.
Interested? We hope so! Click for more.

Following the success of our Little FRANK unit, meet its big brother: FRANK.
Bigger, badder and bolder, our FRANK unit is capable of all the same functionality as Little FRANK but on a larger scale.
Whilst Little FRANK is limited to a maximum flooding rate of 4,400 litres per minute, typical flooding rates achievable for the FRANK unit is between 400 - 9,000litres per minute.
Think you have a system too big for us? Think again! Higher capacities are also available upon request.
So if you have a larger pipeline or bundle system that needs flooded and chemically treated, look no further:
FRANK is the unit for you!

Why not upgrade to our latest model: Active FRANK. A market first, Active FRANK is a real game changer!
Integrated subsea pumps can deliver up to 4000 litres per minute which, to use just one potential operation as an example, allows you to perform a pipeline flood, clean and gauge operation (with regulated chemical injection) utilising a single unit.
By performing the majority of the flooding operation utilising subsea hydrostatic head, a vessel will only need to be present during the final subsea pumping operations. As such, Active FRANK reduces vessel schedule resulting in significant cost savings.
No additional personnel. No additional equipment on deck. No additional risk.
Intrigued? Find out more below.