Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning
performance pre-commissioNing solutions
Kraken Subsea is dedicated to developing new, smarter solutions to simplify and improve offshore pre-commissioning

Kraken Subsea's engineering team are specialists in subsea filtration design. We have designed and built a wide range of filters used around the globe.
Our unique design allows for minimal backpressure during filtration operations, improving operational efficiency and unlocking challenging environments.
Our filters can be designed to the most challenging of restraints: from shallow to ultra deep water with various size and weight limitations.
If you are looking for a bespoke design, look no further. Kraken Subsea are here to help!

Our bespoke filter designs can be incorporated into a subsea free-flooding skid for use in pipeline pre-commissioning offshore. These simple free-flooding units can be designed to filter seawater entering a pipeline to remove potential contaminants.
Flowmeters are incorporated into each unit in order to log data from the free-flooding process along with a simple hotstab connection into the pipeline system.
Most systems can be easily designed to fit within a standard ROV or Diver work basket making it easy to deploy and recover.

Kraken's engineering team has designed and built Little FRANK to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of flooding subsea systems while ensuring our client's peace of mind.
Little FRANK uses the subsea hydrostatic head to flood and chemically treat the subsea system without the need for a connection to a topside vessel or installation.
The system was also designed to be more compact and lighter than its competition, reducing the deck space and lifting requirements associated with a conventional free flooding operation.